the eternal hope…

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                                          “Whatever you can do, or dream you

                                                 can begin it. Boldness has genius,

                                                          power and magic in it….”

                                                                                   – Goethe

i know that god’s grace wont desert me…and just that it is a tough time and god wants me to walk by faith and not by sight…
we all feel hopeless at some point in our time and all around us seems to be falling apart…but they really are bridges of growth…!!
                            we emerge on the other side with a new understanding,it is almost as though we must go through the pain ,the struggle,in order to grow and reach new heights….
And as my papa says too….ONE FALL DOESNOT MAKE A FIASCO…..”
                    TOMMORROW IS A NEW DAY…..
so,i wont give up…
as i remember the lines from shashank redemption…..

       “hope is a good thing..may be the best of things and no good thing ever dies”

so..keep the faith…
God…please judge tenderly of me!!!!

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