Truth be Damned!!

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Truth be damned!!
His  mistake was that he said that he was boyfriend of the girl who was bleeding due to injury to her vagina during copulation.Two adult individuals having consensual sex.
His other mistake was that he got her into hospital in Jammu where medieval mindset still prevails and where  some doctors are not only indifferent but regressive too.
The couple was from somewhere in South India and had come for visit to Jammu. Little did they know that a truthful admission will make their life a nightmare...Away from home and already reeling under tension,our system and doctors did nothing more than adding to their problems.
As soon as he confessed about it,all eyes were fixed on girl and looking at her with disdain and soon it became a gossip of the ward.It was shameful and condescending.Gynaecology people informed CMO who called police and registered a case against the guy.Guy was taken to police station,his mobile and credit cards were held and was left emotional and mentally battered as poor girl was left alone to the mercy of GOD in an alien place with her only support being whisked away.How traumatizing it must be for her.
This incident deeply disturbed me.Rather than helping them,more problems were created for them.I cant make a sense why police was informed when two people were having consensual sex.It is harassment of worst possible nature.Rather that taking a ill devised route,Girl's parents should had been informed.This incident somehow again shows our insensitivity and our callousness which will not change.
So many times,women from far off places who come for delivery who already determine sex of child,no one takes an action then,no one seems to speak up.When birth of male child is glorified in maternity ward,no one seems to care.When women delivers a male child,doctor asks her whether she wants to go for ligation and not when she delivers a female child.It smacks of our cold indifference,our attitude towards our work and our empathy if left.
Everyone needs a masala story to thrive on,some juicy gossip,some tantalizing incident but somewhere we forget to bridge a gap between excess and savagery.

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  1. Reply


    June 12, 2013

    dr.varuna raina. great thoughts

  2. Reply


    June 9, 2013

    My precious, your conscience is alive, that is why I love you so much. No, I don't ask for it back since I know you don't want to. My joy is in seeing you do your work with this conscience. Help better the world around you where you can.
    What pains me is that you might feel helpless sometimes when you see the corruption & callousness around you – in medicine of all fields. Don't give up hope, don't give in, don't get desensitised – keep that spark of goodness alive and that would be my love returned manifold.