Ode to Anesthesia:))

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Tuned to the beeps,
knocking down the creeps,
then waking them up,
is all Anesthesia stuff.

Eyes on monitors,
hands on pulse,
be active in theatre
or later regret.

When we become active,
we asked to go slow,
when slowness drives us,
our life is in mess.

Atra and Scoline,
our new jargon friends
in ECG and flow volume curves,
our cerebrum melts.

Leaks in circuits,
bleaks in prospects,
so indifferent we have become,
to getting thrashed up.

You are looked with disdain,
every time you cross,
this is earned in quagmire,
called PG life.

Drug dosages drive us mad,
so does innumerable questions,
our brains seem numbed,
by midazolam infusion.

The innocent looking monitors,
looks monstrous,
when volley of questions strike,
and we sheepishly swagger our heads.

Such is the life,
induced to maintained,
then reversed to life,
in this organic strife.

Tubes and vaporizers,
decide our day,
turning tables and changing fluids,
are our everyday play.

Everyone wonders what an anesthetist do,
while we are in theatre,
we do all the boring stuff,
which only an anesthetist can do!!

the poetess in me roused by diffusion hypoxia of gases;P

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  1. Reply

    Savita Patel

    February 19, 2017

    Nicely woven words with humor and reality Dr. Varuna Ji.

  2. Reply


    October 9, 2011

    lovely lines…nicely crafted words!

  3. Reply

    himanshu saini

    August 30, 2011

    new dashboard is very good 🙂

  4. Reply

    il giardino di enzo

    July 19, 2011

    Good Blog! I am here just surfing through Blogspot and I say you a big "Hallo!" from Pisa – Italy
    Stay good, best things for every people who loves love.

  5. Reply


    July 4, 2011

    welcome back…and u surely can write something funny for the audiences other than doctors….do try it

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