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Inherently incoherent,
Yet deeply in spirit

Departing with time
But united in vision

Wandering and thoughtless at times
Forgotten completely at others

Nasty at some points, and mean at others

Vagabonds of future..hard to catch

Meandering freaks
Come together once in while

They are those free aliens
Beyond social conformity's..

Weird to many..
And dumb to others

They stand together
Yet not too close

They love unconditionally
They let go freely..

They are not jealous
Nor are possessive
Or even if they are they never show

They simply flow..
They keep their spirit in Open Ocean

They sulk, get depressed like ordinary motions..
But never do they desert each other in moments of desperation

They love to spend a little time together
Wander in rest..

They are obscure

They know they can’t be together
But yet they know too they cannot be away forever

They share an intangible bond
Can be often seen laughing together

They tell not each other how they feel
But like bees they buzz forever

At moments too naive
Yet too shrewd at others

They blossom in winters..
They are not like others..

They are keepers of freedom
They are messengers of love

They have hidden languages
None with words

They care but not tell
they sing symphony of separation
and ease the tears with temptation

they are like ghosts creeping in conscience
Yet warm like fire in cold winter

they fail and fall
yet never cease to rise

They become strength of each other
When they have trouble remembering how to fly

They have dreams..
unfulfilled and dry
may be because there is jinx in their lives
Together shall they rise
and together they fall

you cannot find them in crowds
for they are too busy to open themselves to all

they are aware of each others ether
and just with a glance they will live their lives

they are platonic healers
and the gentlest breezes
they are gleeful,free,amazing

they don’t promise forever
they say i breathe the present

they don’t know why they fall for each other
they feel like balloons going up together

for world they look like two idiots..
but they enjoy their pertinent madness

they hate crowds and being stalked
they dance in rains with hands clasped together
into some far away islands into one another

they are drifting
carving their niche
diving in subliminal
they go up in Sky's calling...
and rewrite their fates

and someone said they love to be called
the wandering soul mates....

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  1. Reply


    May 21, 2014

    They tell not each other how they feel
    But like bees they buzz forever

    Says it all.. Did you ever find the wanderer mate?

  2. Reply

    Varuna Raina

    January 2, 2011

    thanks himanshu for ur kinds words…
    it surely helps!!
    wishing you happy writing too..!!

  3. Reply

    himanshu saini

    December 31, 2010

    Great reading !!!
    Some great writer has written..
    Love is the offspring of spiritual exaltaion and it not only needs sweetness of kisses but bitterness of tears too.
    I am able to connect your writing to that.You have a knack to satiate the thirst of soul with your writing.

    Happy Writing !!

  4. Reply

    neeraj santoshi khar

    March 30, 2010

    i am late because i was searching right words…and right silences…..the beauty of ur love soaked words has left me speechless….it reminds me of Paul Reps…in his Zen Telegrams he says somewhere….''do not step on our tears….'' and i thought i shd not….

    your lines have touched my soul…the lines of zen girl have lit a little lamp before the altar of love….where we too can see or imagine the wanderings of our soulmates….in the shimmering light of our soltitude…

    by my haiku standards…it is an epic poem….a poem of Zen girl in search of fleeting love…the way a Zen girl loves or wishes to be loved…..an attempt to hold the soul of love through the hands and lines of the beloved….through the silences that awash the shores of the wandering soulmates….

    such words ought to have a substratum of some real experience….a real person somwhere…or they could not have been penned…..or to quote karuna…Now we “just need a guy who would deserve these words''…haha….

  5. Reply


    March 30, 2010

    wow love is in the air…kiske liye likha hai? 😛
    apne imaginary BF k liye ….lol

  6. Reply

    manish badkas

    March 29, 2010

    Ecstatic is the word that immediately comes from the heart..
    i felt like u are actually sharing my feelings on the subject..
    u know u enjoy the most when u express something in front of a mirror or when the mirror expresses it for u..
    i feel like the mirror talking to me in this case..
    Thanks for expressing so beautifully..

  7. Reply

    varuna raina

    March 29, 2010

    @tariq…thanxx soo much!!
    @aru..glad u loved it..much love to you!!
    @kalatta…thanqq..be blessed!!

    @mora..thanxx lovee..
    guy..u might find many but deserving not sure though!!!

  8. Reply


    March 29, 2010

    I like it…very nicely worded!!!
    Now I just need a guy who would deserve these words!!!


  9. Reply


    March 29, 2010

    Well expressed emotions and feelings. Nice piece of work.
    Who showers with such a perfection ? 🙂

  10. Reply

    sheikh Arfat

    March 29, 2010

    Wow, It makes one fall in love!! I cant stop going back to "They have hidden languages
    None with words…
    They care but not tell
    they sing symphony of separation
    and ease the tears with temptation"
    These words penetrate straight into ones heart and I think u have expressed and caught every emotion beautifully! Takes us to a world where only love exists- very surreal!!

    Love it xxxx

  11. Reply

    Tariq Wani

    March 29, 2010

    Great work Varuna…

    Loves gushes through every word.. a piece well created by a beautiful heart.. ur words cast a spell.

    Keep up the good work..

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