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it is a poem i had written in 2001 in one of many classes i had been lost into my surreal world!!!!
i found it today lying happily with laughter and i thought and that is life
tears and laughter...!!!!!

when i woke in morning today,

gentle dews ran down my hollow cheeks,
they touched the barren land,
out sprouted the seeds of hope and dance,
ever since my doors are laden,
and paths are strewn with joy,
so filled was my heart,
and heavy my eyes....
of beaming joys or shattered sighs,
i had to carve a way,
to drop the growing dismay,
my eyes melted steadily time and again,
and parched tongues gathered down
to taste honey of rain....
salted memories washed off my pain,
but still my heart gets a break,
when i hear of them still again....!!!!

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  1. Reply

    varuna raina

    June 1, 2009

    it was to beat boredom of class…
    and reminder of some old broken crushes!!!

  2. Reply


    June 1, 2009

    poems is really nice and touching..aap tabhi se senti type ho…?

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